Las Pequeñas Paranoyas de Motagirl

Síntomas del Post-Rocker

Adopto este texto del blog de KnockerGrowl, pero con mi propia selección de favoritas (o vividas T_T) en negrita (puedes ver la suya aquí, que encima las ha traducido y todo... no como yo ^^). Él lo adoptó de AfterThePostRock. Me he reído muchísimo al leerlo, pero como él dice, salvo que te suene un poco el mundillo esto no te va a hacer gracia ^^

You know you're a post-rock nut when...

    * Your mix CDs only consist of less than six songs.
    * When you sing a tune, it usually comes out in gibberish.
    * No delay effects pedal = No fun.
    * You're probably the only person around who can tolerate 5 minutes of static.
    * Your mates demand that you change to radio after realizing that you're CDs are all instrumentals that go nowhere.

    * Any attempt to drag your friends to gigs will have them waiting for an hour for the singing to start.
    * Your harddrive is full of small unsigned or independant bands from strange countries.

    * You're in a band that pays homage to either Godspeed or EitS.
    * Nobody bothers asking you what music you're into anymore .
    * You feel an overwhelming sense of disappointment when vocals first appear in a track.

    * Your 30 gig ipod is full at 4000 songs
    * Generally, when someone asks you what kind of music you like you say something like "post-rock-post-hardcore-avant-garde-ambient-fuzz-melancholy-abstract-shit"
    * You constantly search for bands off of constellation records.

    * You say, "Sideshow Bob looks like Efrim Menuck," rather than the traditional other way around. //Referencia a GY!BE
    * You plan on naming your daughter Moya because you can't think of a word that connotes something more beautiful. //Otra referencia a GY!BE
    * When someone asks you what your favorite part about Christmas is, and you reply, "steps." Bonus points if someone responds, "hell yes!"
//Referencia a Mogwai, canción "Christmas Steps"
    * You bought your first electric guitar and violin bow on the same day.
    * You speak Hopelandic. Fluently.
//Referencia a Sigur Ros
    * The words "fucked on hairy amp drooling" mean something to you. //Referencia a GY!BE
    * When you meet someone and find out they know Godspeed - you both just can't get excited enough spitting out other bands you love and the mutural respect is just obvious.
    * You're always late because you insist on hearing the song to the very end before leaving
    * ... or the entire album to the very end.

    * You cry when you listen to beautiful instruments.
    * People stare at you when they ask you what you're listening to i.e weird band names and different music.
    * Everyone hates you because you constantly go "Oh! Listen to that it's so beautiful" and no one can hear anything but the sounds of traffic, people etc.
    * When one of your tutor group (yes I am a teacher) asks you for a name for their band and you come up with something like, "The Light dies when the sunsets and lives when the moon shines green".
    * The shortest song you've listened to recently is about 5-6 minutes, and it was probably a continuation of another song anyway.
    * One of your bands produced elevator music for elevators in France.
    * It bothers you when someone is talking during the quiet parts of your songs.
    * You know why F#A#8 has the 8 symbol on the end. //Referencia a GY!BE
    * You can't find any modern music similar to yours, so you've begun listening to classical.
    * When you play one of your favourite songs to people and they say the track is repeating and is repetitive! Ah!
    * When over 10 minutes is an acceptable lenght for a song.
    * When lyrics ruin the song.
    * When minutes of random sound is acceptable within a song.
    * You think your band is better than Explosions in the sky.
    * You need to shorten the names of all your favorite bands (GY!BE, EITS, etc...).
    * People tells you not to bring any cd's for a party. Before you proposed.
    * You spend more time touching your Ipod than your girlfriend.
    * When you tell the name of the band you are listening and what kind of music it is, people tend to think you are joking.
    * When you are having *fun* with a girl, you can't help but think wich album would fit the situation perfectly.
    * When your friends ask you to repeat who your favourite band is when you're only on the 6th word of the band name.
    * People ask you to play something on the guitar, and you're likely to start playing Your Hand in Mine. //Referencia a EITS
    * You spend hours and hours of your life on a post-rock forum arguing about what is and isn't post-rock.
    * You decline going out with friends just to listen to Explosions in the Sky, all night.
    * When you can name all 5000000000000 members of Broken Social Scene.
    * You pay no attention to a band whos name you can say in one breath.
    * You feel an overwhelming sense of disappointment when a very long and very minimalistic song does not climax into a destructive wave of noise.
    * Fireworks make you think of music not holidays. //Referencia a EITS
    * You prefer the "correct" spelling of Sparowes.
//Referencia a Red Sparowes

2 comentarios

Nonehxc -

Chimo Bayo a Eurovisión!! Esto es muy EPIC O__O

Nonehxc -

Falta la de "Disfrutas cual marranica pocilguera viendo a tus timpanos hacer el triple mortal con tirabuzón desde tu oreja"(Mogwai)

O la de "Tu tía te pregunta "Qué quieres ser de mayor?", y tu respondes "Sordo."(referencia a Mogwai)

Mira que he estado en conciertos, sesiones y saraos de las más diversas categorias, estilos musicales y amplificaciones...pero la presión acústica que soltaban los cafres de Mogwai...oh!mama!!oh!!papa!!Eso es potencia burra...a su lado, los grupos de hardcore parecen melodias polifónicas de vacas, cachorros cutres o sapos lisérgicos con voz de pito :S